Monday, June 30, 2008

My Family...


  1. What a lovely montage! You have such a beautiful family.

  2. Wow! Absolutely gorgeous! I love this idea!

  3. Awwww! You have a beautiful family Eaton, and look at that new baby's gorgeous locks! My goodness, what a heart-stopper! Congratulations! *hugs*

  4. wow! You have a lovely family Eaton! And there's a lot of resemblance between everyone too :). There's a girl in grey top who looks exactly like a friend of mine when she was younger, got any family in ireland???

  5. And of course, I must weigh in, too!

    What a wonderful idea. Man, one would think you were of the inspiration-ee ilk...

    Oh, wait.

    You are.


Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright

Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright
click on the photo for link

Flat Stanley near Castlemaine, Victoria.