Thursday, May 7, 2009

55 Flash Fiction Friday...The End

The End

I read a book
about a woman
and war
words of sorrow
rained down in a
drenched with
bitter regret

it could have been
me I was reading

or any woman
for that matter

it wasn't me

for that I cried in vain
sad defeat in a woman



the final end


I didn't intend to be away from blogging for so long, but this week has been filled to overflowing with Real Life. But it's good to be back. I've missed everyone. I'm looking forward to catching up with all of you. Have a wonderful Friday everyone. :)

If you've written a 55 word story, drop
in on G-Man, leave a comment and he
will pay you a visit.



  1. It is a well done and empathetical piece...I am sure that author would be pleased that you so identified with his character Eaton.

  2. Some stories are the stories of our life. I read a book like that too, and read it many times over since...

  3. Oh my gosh, a poetic tribute all rolled into a book critique. Love it.

    My 55 is posted now. Either you can use the direct link at the top of my Friday post or scroll down below the Friday's show n tell photos. Have a super day.

  4. A great poem about life and a book.
    Loved it.
    My 55 is posted.

  5. Eaton...
    You are such an awesome purveyor of thoughts, words, and emotions.
    Thank you so much for always giving us such a classy piece of work.
    Excellent 55!!
    Have a Great Week-End...G

  6. you got the emotions across perfectly! welcome back...

  7. Have a great weekend, Eaton. You'll have to pick up a more up-beat book to offset this one. So sad.

  8. shows empathy tho a little sad...great 55, eaton :)

  9. It is sad, but adds to the variety. I marvel at the different 55's, and am grateful we do not all think alike!

  10. You have a gift with words - I love it!

  11. Sounds like Miss Saigon. Well sort of. Or maybe I just got that from the cover illustration.

  12. I like these words:
    "drenched with
    bitter regret
    it could have been
    me I was reading"
    writing is like that when we share our words with others


Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright

Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright
click on the photo for link

Flat Stanley near Castlemaine, Victoria.