Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday Thirteen 165th Edition

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen things about

What makes a day exceptional?

1....I woke up still on the planet.

2....Everyone in my house got up, got dressed and went
about their day leaving me to mine.

3....The sun wash shining and the sky blue.

4....Mr. Bun E. Rabbit was happy to see me and glad to be let out of his run.

5....Had coffee and visited with Daughter-in-Law, Daughter, Granddaughter and Grandson. Those babies are sooo beautiful and give so much joy.

6....Went supermarket shopping and got told I take too long and look too hard
at the packaging of products...hmmm!

7....Hubby came home early enough for us to go have some more coffee.

8....There were Finches, Sparrows and Pidgins in our back garden; eating bunny's food.

9....A little Blackbird and his lady have built a nest and looks like we might have baby birds and then fledglings in our garden in a few weeks.

10...My tiny back garden has beautiful red, pink and white flowers parading in the sun.

11...I keep wanting to be outside, enjoying the smell of the spring air and feel the warmth of the sun on my skin.
My lap top and I are constantly out on the deck together.

13...Yesterday's visit to my local shopping center left me without my heirloom ring. I wear it all the time, never take it off. But somehow it was gone from my finger!

Today I revisited the three shops I went to, and to my utter joy and relief it was at the last shop. Put carefully away for the owner (me), to come collect it.

Today was exceptional for me. Happy TT! :)

I would say that it was an exceptional day for this little fox too!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. I lost my ring too! It was just all of a sudden, gone! But I still have not found it....
    Loved this TT, because it gave me an insight into your day.

  2. Who's telling you not to read the packaging? Harumph.

  3. that does make a nice day. Glad your ring was safely found!

  4. Oh, I'm sorry about the ring! I hope you find it again!

  5. Eaton!

    I'm glad you had a wonderful Thursday. Your day sounded perfect, especially the part about being in the backyard and seeing the birds. I really, really miss having a yard. :-(

  6. Hi!

    I just saw that you had checked in at "THE FORUM". So what do you think about my little club? It seems to have taken off quite well. Already 21 members although they are not all posting yet.

    Don't be surprised if people don't pop in here at your place. Your name will make them curious. Not too many Eaton's in Texas!

    I have added you back into "mimsy" as well.

    Love this thirteen...always enjoy knowing more about you ;-)


Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright

Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright
click on the photo for link

Flat Stanley near Castlemaine, Victoria.