Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thursday Thirteen 173rd Edition

Thirteen things about me, well not me; my tiny garden. I've been practicing with a new camera and the macro button lures me into taking close ups of all sorts of things. Mr. Bun E. Rabbit is a longstanding member of our family and beloved pet, he definitely had to get his cute face in here.

Then there's my poor cracked lady, not sure who is keeping who together there. Is the world holding her together or she doing the holding? Either way she's not in good shape. I managed to capture a bee inside a couple of fuchsias, first time I have noticed a bee in a flower for some time.

Tomatoes and one lonely apricot on the tree pretty much makes up the some total of our vegetable and fruit section. I did say this is a small garden. All the flowers in my garden are simple, easy to look after and brightly colored.

Geraniums, Daisies, Hibiscus, Camelias, Fuchsias are in full bloom and I love to see their dancing heads bobbing in the breeze. My favorite of all, the scarlet Geranium, gives me the most pleasure. I love those little scarlet petals. Red, the color of passion, life, love, danger...

Happy TT! :)

Look for other Thursday Thirteeners Here

*Click on the photos for a better view.


  1. Very very nice!! I like them all. YOu have an eye for a great shot!

  2. These are fabulous! I am so jealous of the bright colors and warm, sunny weather. Everything here is covered up in a blanket of white. I'm going to have to live vicariously through you!

  3. How beautiful! Definitely some nice sunshine for me with all the clouds and snow.

  4. very nice, it looks like a bright happy garden. Especially nice to see as winter is descending upon us here

  5. That's a good looking apricot. We only had a couple dozen come off our fruit this year, and that was between three trees. Not sure what went wrong with them.

  6. Super shots. I just got a new camera, and I'm taking pictures of everything! lol Happy TT!

  7. The only thing muissing is the grubs ... or don't they attack your garden?

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Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright

Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright
click on the photo for link

Flat Stanley near Castlemaine, Victoria.