Back in October, 2008, I received a blog award
from Lola and AppleJack. I didn't pick it up
straight away, in truth I almost forgot about it.
I remembered it through seeing the same
award on another blog and realized I had one
of those waiting for me at the Bunny Lounge. So,
I hopped on over and collected it. Thanks Lola and
AppleJack, big hugs to my favorite on-line bunnies.
These are the rules:
~Put the logo on your blog;
~Add a link to the person who awarded you.
~Nominate 10 other blogs
~Add links to those blogs on yours.
~Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
I'm going to break the rules some. Because I have
taken so long to pick up the award I figure I can
be cheeky enough to break them.
I'm going to take my time to give out the award.
I've got blogs in mind, but I need time to ferret
out who might have this particular award
already and who hasn't got it.
Congrats on your award!