Thursday, December 17, 2009

55 Flash Fiction Friday

As a mom one of the hardest things to watch happen, is that of a teenage daughter or son making the slow, often painful transition into adulthood. I'm on my sixth teenager, two boys and four girls. And despite what I initially thought, it does not get any easier.

Each child has his or her own personality and pressure points. Some will make the changes with little or no drama, others will fight all the way, with defiance and anger.

In this day and age it is a terrifying prospect. The dangers are multitude. Nothing like when my first son or his brother took on the world to see what they were made of.

There are now drugs that make girls infertile for life or eat away at the brain and leave people like vegetables...

I'm very fortunate to have my faith in God and have a place to take all these serious, very real concerns in prayer. But I sense a rocky road ahead. I don't want to be the cause of my daughters frustration and anger and have her turn to darker places to find answers.

So, now I have to practice what I preach, love and patience. ~ sigh ~

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. If you haven't played a 55 yet, go visit G-Man over at Mr.Knowitall and join in. :)

Visible behind her innocent blue eyes
fervent budding of new insights taking
flight, a color burst of dreams unfurling,
erupting into life--colliding with an age old
darkness pretending to befriend.

Whispering easy lines, slyly implying - no danger.

All the while seduction is weaving its malignant
fiction, promising treasures, glorifying vice.

Insinuating purity's absolute obsolescence.

For more 55's visit G-Man at Mr. Knowitall.



  1. Wow..Eaton, I'm so happy to see this post today! First of all, you look just gorgeous and your family radient. I don't know who the gentleman on your side is but funny, very much resembles my boys father who passed away (I've mentioned)..uncanny features. I love this and I couldn't agree more. Your words speak so much wisdom from the depth and reach my soul. Thank you- your truly a blessing. All my best to you this Christmas season- Regina

  2. Hi Regina, thank you for visiting!

    The man on my right, is my eldest son, the girl in front is my youngest daughter and the girl on my left is now fourteen and a half and the subject of my 55! The other four kids were also at the same party, our second son's engagement party.


  3. beautifully written 55, my 'A' is just 16 and wants to move away so badly, she want to go to Turkey, Istanbul, and go to college, she doesn't even speak the language, ah but she is promised a home on the beach by a gal who went to school here for a semester!! so all is well!! merry christmas my dear!!

  4. tight 55. and so true. one thing my mom gave me was patience and time. i fell prey to the dark road for years. she never gave up on me. she was not surprised years later when i went into ministry. thanks for the memories.

    mine is up!

  5. Honey...I found most of them get smarter after they get stupid for awhile.

  6. Eaton, with a guide like you I'm sure her journey will be just fine.
    Excellent 55 My Dear.
    You sure have been missed.
    Thanks for this beautiful piece, and have a Happy Holiday....G

  7. You rock!!! This is so poignant.

    Perfect job.

    MY 55 is all about snow suits and the urge....come see HERE


  8. great 55. I read above your story and am amazed at your being a mom of so many. I have two and that's a handful. You're awesome. Sarah

  9. As the father of two teens myself, this hits home. Great 55. My 55 is HERE.

  10. I figured as much and I'm telling you, there is a similarity! Anyway, just wishing you a heart felt Merry Christmas to you and your whole family! Truly hope your day is blessed! Regina-


Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright

Falling Water by Frank Lloyd Wright
click on the photo for link

Flat Stanley near Castlemaine, Victoria.